ZeFi Whitepaper

About ZeFi

Introduction to ZeFi

To get a loan using the traditional way, people have to go to a bank or other financial institution and provide collateral. Users need to provide credit worthiness, provable income, and other factors for the bank to make decisions. The bank acts as a liquidity provider and you as a liquidity borrower.

But what if you don't want to or can't do this transaction through banks? This could be due to any number of reasons, including bad credit, third party risk, or your location in the world.

ZeFi helps bridge the gap between traditional financial lending and decentralized protocols on top of blockchain.

ZeFi is a decentralized non custodial liquidity agreementl that allows users to participate as depositors or borrowers. The protocol supports almost all crypto tokens in its P2P money market. Lenders provide liquidity to ZeFi to earn passive income. Borrowers withdraw collateral assets to obtain liquidit without selling the assets. ZeFi is built on top of Ethereum's Layer 2 scaling solution, zkSync. It offers fast transactions and low gas costs while maintaining strong security.

ZeFi Finance integrates the perfect integration of cutting-edge financial innovation and technical strength, with the solid support of ZkSync technology, adhering to the belief of redefining financial transactions, and is committed to creating an efficient, secure, and privacy-respecting cross-chain mortgage lending platform for users around the world. We are deeply aware of the challenges in the current financial market in achieving cross-chain interoperability and improving capital efficiency. Therefore, ZeFi Finance, with its excellent technological innovation and intelligent strategy, firmly ensures the high-speed and smooth transaction process, the practical security of assets, and the complete confidentiality of user data. Designed to bring an unprecedented financial trading experience to every user.

As a solid support, adhering to the belief of redefining financial transactions, we are committed to creating an efficient, secure, and privacy-respecting cross-chain mortgage lending platform for users around the world. We are deeply aware of the challenges in the current financial market in achieving cross-chain interoperability and improving capital efficiency. Therefore, ZeFi Finance, with its excellent technological innovation and intelligent strategy, firmly ensures the high-speed and smooth transaction process, the practical security of assets, and the complete confidentiality of user data. Designed to bring an unprecedented financial trading experience to every user.



Borrow cryptocurrencies and stablecoins directly on zkSync without credit checks and fast origination;



Offering cryptocurrencies and stablecoins and obtaining variable APY to provide liquidity for agreements secured by excessive collateralized assets;



Controlled by ZeFi tokens, governing tokens;


ZeFi Origins

ZeFi Finance is firmly committed to the principle of decentralization and is committed to enhancing the scalability, security and availability of the Ethereum network. At the L2 circuit, we work hard and strive for innovation. The project name "ZeFi" cleverly combines the concepts of "Zero" and "DeFi" (decentralized finance), highlighting our mission to provide users with friction-free, efficient and decentralized financial services.

The "Z" stands for "Zero-Knowledge," a technology that allows us to verify the validity of a transaction without revealing specific transaction details. The name ZeFi Finance not only reflects our focus on privacy protection and security, but also combines zero-knowledge proof technology with decentralized finance to provide users with more secure and privacy-conscious financial services.

Mission and Vision


Our mission is to break the boundaries of traditional financial networks, abandon the closed ecosystem model, adhere to the concept of high interoperability and open access, and welcome the new era of Web 3.0. We are committed to providing seamless financial services to users around the world, transcending national borders and geographical restrictions, and providing individuals with more financial opportunities and autonomy.


We firmly believe that the power of decentralization will flourish in the wave of the digital economy and Web 3.0. With a decentralized autonomous Organization (DAO) at its core, ZeFi Finance drives seamless collaboration and compliance across geographic and legal boundaries across the globe. We look forward to working together to create a decentralized and diversified network ecology to provide users with a wider range of financial tools and possibilities. We welcome and encourage the participation of all users in shaping this vision of the future.

Asset lending logic

Supply assets

On the ZeFi platform, users can leverage various backed cryptocurrencies as collateral for loans, contribute liquidity, and earn an annual percentage return (APY). By providing assets such as cryptocurrencies to ZeFi, users can not only participate as lenders, but also maintain the security of their collateral within the agreement. The interest rate earned by the user is dynamically determined based on the yield curve utilization of a particular market. ZeFi aggregates all user assets into smart contracts, providing users with the flexibility to withdraw their contributions at any time, provided the agreement maintains a positive balance.

Borrowing assets

To borrow any supported cryptocurrency or stablecoin from ZeFi, users need to deposit more assets than they want to borrow. The agreement determines how much you can borrow, usually up to 80% of the assets you deposit. The interest rate is set by the governance of the agreement. The user will apply the compound rate regularly, but there will be no monthly payments. To return the amount borrowed by the user, the original amount and interest need to be repaid. The interest rate in the market is determined by a specified yield curve outlined in the contract. Interest rates in a given market depend on the level of market utilization.

Health factors

Health factor as an indicator of the borrower's position collateral. The purpose is to assess the risks associated with the borrower's debt and determine whether there is sufficient collateral to protect the lender's funds. Usually presented as a ratio, the health factor compares the amount of the collateral to the amount of the debt. A health factor equal to or greater than 1 indicates that there is sufficient collateral, while a health factor below 1 indicates that the position lacks sufficient collateral.

For example, suppose the borrower's goal is to borrow $1,000 in USDT and provide $2,000 worth of Ethereum. In this case, a health factor of 2 indicates that the value of the collateral is twice the amount borrowed, indicating that the borrowing position is sound and safe.

However, if the value of the collateral drops significantly or the amount borrowed increases, the health factor may fall below the threshold. This could lead to a potential liquidation of collateral to protect the lender. In this case, up to 50% of the borrowed debt will be repaid from the borrower's collateral. In addition, a fee is charged as an incentive to the liquidator and helps to maintain the overall health of the agreement.


When the borrower's health factor falls to 1 or lower, liquidation proceedings will be initiated. This indicates that the value of their collateral may not cover their debt, posing a risk to both the lender and the ZeFi agreement. To keep the agreement liquid and healthy, outside parties are incentivized to actively monitor ZeFi's loan portfolio. They identify loans with a health factor below 1 and actively repay them, contributing to the overall security and stability of the agreement.

For liquidator

When borrowing a liquidator can use the liquidation call to repay part of the debt and receive a bonus called a liquidation bonus. The bonus is an additional percentage of the collateral, based on the amount of debt they repay.

Anyone can become a liquidator and the process is open to everyone. The liquidator needs to reimburse enough to restore the user's health factor to 1. In return, they will receive a discount on the collateral as a liquidation bonus.

For example, Jack deposits 1E and borrows 2E worth of USDC. When the price of ETH drops, if Mike's health factor is below 1, his loan will be considered liquidated elite. Tony is the liquidator and can repay 50% of a single loan amount = $1E. In return, Tony can ask for a collateral, ETH (5% bonus). Thus, Tony repaying $0.5E of USDC will receive 0.5+0.025ETH.

Account abstraction

Account abstraction in blockchain technology enables users to utilize smart contracts as their accounts. ZeFi has integrated account abstraction technology ready to eliminate gas charges and seamlessly integrate them into its suite of products.

To smooth the transition to a gas-free era, ZeFi is actively integrating account abstraction into its diversified front end. It is important to note that this integration does not change the underlying smart contract logic of the protocol; Instead, it enhances the user's interaction with the protocol through a more user-friendly front-end approach.

Product architecture


ZeFi Finance is a money market protocol built on zksync that combines the scalability, superior transaction speed and low cost of ZK summary with the security of Ethereum.

The core of ZeFi Finance is to provide DeFi users with a dual set of unlicensed services, with a higher level of ability to deposit assets for income and the option to use those assets as collateral to borrow other digital assets.

Platform functions


Users will be able to deposit their assets into one asset pool, thus funding each liquidity pool. In return, users will receive platform Tokens representing their respective share of storage in the pool. In addition, the exchange rate of platform Tokens will be adjusted according to the interest earned during the deposit period (when a certain amount of USD is pledged, the equivalent amount of TUSD will be earned at an annualized rate of 6.6%).

2. Borrowing

Users will be able to borrow assets in various liquidity pools using the assets they deposit as collateral. The borrower's funding cost for each asset depends on the interest rate model for that particular asset, which is a function of market supply and liquidity pool utilization. The maximum loan amount is determined by the user's borrowing capacity. If a user exceeds their borrowing capacity, they can liquidate their position to ensure that there is enough money to repay.

3.Tokenized debt

ZeFi Finance tokenizes the debt on the protocol using an ERC20-compliant Z-Token. After depositing the asset, the depositor will receive the corresponding number of Z-tokens into their wallet. Each deposited asset will be represented by its own Z-Token (i.e. Z-USDT, Z-ETH, Z-BTC, etc.), and each asset will have a value that maps relative to the prevailing exchange rate of the underlying asset, which reflects the accrual of principal and interest over the life of the deposit deposit of the asset, and in future iterations of the agreement, Z-Tokens can be used to build derivatives such as debt obligations, total return swaps and credit swaps. In the future, there may also be further composability between ZTKoken and other protocols for these z-Tokens.

4.Market pool

ZeFi Finance organizes assets into their respective designated market pools in order to place high-risk assets inan "isolated market" pool for active monitoring and risk control in the event of rapid price movements and/or market downturns. Assets with similar risk characteristics and high price movement correlations will have comparable mortgage rate and interest rate curve models. Volatile assets could be restricted from being used as collateral, but only for lending. The agreement will also introduce "core markets" and "isolated markets" pools to separate interactions and risks between stable assets (i.e. USDT, ETH) and variable assets (i.e. Zksync Ecosystem Project tokens). The agreement will periodically review assets to determine if they can be used as collateral.

Technical architecture and implementation

A Z-Token is minted when a user deposits an asset into any market. Each deposited asset is represented by its own Z-Token (i.e. Z-ETH, Z-WBTC), which will have proportionate ownership of the underlying liquidity pool.

Each minted Z-Token will have a value that maps relative to the prevailing exchange rate of the underlying asset, which reflects the principal and interest accrued during the deposit period. When the user wants to withdraw the deposited funds from the pool, the Z-Token is redeemed and destroyed.


Users deposit assets (USD) into ZeFi Finance Agreement Deposit rates will vary based on the interest rate model of the assets and will include any additional incentives for each pool of funds

Z-Tokens are minted in the value of equivalent assets (Z-USDT)


The user enables his/her Z-Token (i.e. Z-USDT) as collateral

ZeFi Finance increases the borrowing capacity of users

The interest rate at which users borrow assets from the ZeFi Finance Agreement (i.e. ZETH) will vary based on the interest rate model and any additional incentives for each pool of funds

ZeFi Finance Issue for Users The borrowing capacity of ZETH users will be updated (reduced) at the time of issuance


Return of assets owed by ZeFi Finance (ZETH)

ZeFi Finance Update: Asset Borrowing record Lending capacity (increased)


The user selects the withdrawal function and selects any amount within the maximum amount allowed in the account (depending on whether the user has an outstanding borrowing position)

ZeFi Finance will calculate the user's new borrowing capacity

Z-USDT corresponding USDT will be released to the lender when there is an outstanding loan position, the user will be able to withdraw up to an amount that puts the health factor of his portfolio above 1. If the user wishes to withdraw all the collateral, we recommend that the user repay the balance of the loan first.

Platform advantages

Global interoperability

ZeFi Finance enables seamless cross-chain lending through ZkSync technology, allowing users to freely pledge and borrow money on different blockchain networks. This provides a high degree of interoperability for users around the world, making it easy to participate in financial transactions wherever they are.

Real-time settlement

The transactions of the platform are settled off-chain through ZkSync technology, and the transactions are completed almost instantaneously without waiting for on-chain confirmation, which ensures the efficient use of users' funds and reduces the transaction delay.

Security guarantee

ZkSync technology is based on the principle of blockchain decentralization, without the need to trust a third party, and users' assets and data are highly secure. This reduces the cost of trust and provides users with more reliable financial services.

Financial innovation

ZeFi Finance introduced a number of financial innovations, including synthetic asset collateral, leveraged lending and deposit limit order trading. This provides users with more investment and risk management strategies, driving innovation in financial markets. Secure creditors' funds with smart mortgage lending contracts and automatic liquidation contracts. The Degenbox strategy allows users to use financial leverage tools safely and multiply returns.

Efficient capital

Through full-chain lending, users can flexibly utilize assets on multiple chains, improving the turnover rate of funds. This means that users can manage their money more efficiently and realize more investment opportunities.

Ecosystem rewards

ZeFi Finance's Ecosystem Rewards program encourages users to participate in liquidity provision, collateral assets, and platform governance to jointly build and drive the growth of the ecosystem. Users have the opportunity to earn additional rewards and participate in the long-term development of the platform.

ZkSync technology advantages

High performance and low cost

ZkSync's bulk transfer verification mechanism allows ZeFi Finance to aggregate multiple transactions and verify them at once, and then submit the results to the blockchain backbone. This significantly reduces transaction fees and improves performance and throughput, enabling ZeFi Finance to provide efficient lending services.

Privacy protection

ZeFi Finance protects users' privacy through ZkSync technology. Users can conduct transactions without worrying about their transaction details being made public. This ensures that users' financial data and personal information are protected.

Instant finality

Transactions submitted by users on ZeFi Finance reach their final state almost immediately, without waiting for confirmation from the mainchain. This provides real-time borrowing and liquidity of funds, enabling users to execute trades more quickly.

Cross-chain compatibility

With ZkSync technology, ZeFi Finance is able to scale to different blockchain networks, enabling cross-chain lending. Users can freely transfer assets across multiple blockchains, increasing the flexibility of funds.

Smart contracts

Supporting ZkSync technology allows ZeFi Finance to support the execution of smart contracts, enabling the platform to offer more complex financial services and applications, including synthetic asset-backed lending and leveraged trading.

ZeFi Finance uses the core benefits of ZkSync technology to provide users with high performance, low cost, privacy protection, instant finality, cross-chain compatibility and smart contract support, making it an innovative cross-chain mortgage lending platform to meet the growing financial needs of users. This will help improve the user experience, increase system efficiency, and drive wider blockchain adoption.


The usage of TOKEN

ZeFi Finance's business model is a diversified crypto financial ecosystem that includes cross-chain mortgage lending, Taiwan dollar applications, computing power mining, strategic partnerships, and meta-universe functions. These elements work together to provide users with a wide range of financial tools and experiences.

ZeFi Finance is designed using a 3G coin model where:

USG Stable Pledged Assets: Aggregate market demand dictates that USG tokens act as stable pledged assets in ZeFi Finance, providing users with a stable way to pledge. Users pledge assets and borrow without having to worry about the volatility of the crypto market. The stability of USG tokens increases the usability of the platform.

USD Power Mining Rewards: USD tokens are used in the power mining reward mechanism to motivate users to actively participate in the platform. Users can earn additional rewards by holding and using USD.

ZTK Platform governance and equity: With a total issuance of 1 billion, ZTK tokens play multiple roles within ZeFi Finance. First, it is the platform's governance token, allowing holders to participate in important decisions about the platform. Second, the ZTK token represents the rights of users on the platform, including participation in the development of the platform, sharing profits and driving the growth of the ecosystem.

Together, these tokens build ZeFi Finance's ecosystem, providing users with stability, incentives, governance participation, and rights protection. This multi-token model contributes to the sustainability and user experience of the ZeFi Finance platform.

The application of TOKEN

ZeFi Finance's Native Cryptographic Secure Alternative Protocol Token (ZTK) is a transferable representation of the attribute governance and utility features specified in the ZeFi Finance protocol, totaling 1 billion, ZTK will be an ERC-20 token and is designed to be used only as an interoperable utility token.

ZTK token holders will be entitled to certain rewards and incentives by participating in the following forms of "active Participant incentive" agreements:

A portion of the Agreement borrowing fee (revenue) will be allocated to the user as an incentive to encourage them to interact within the network, such as lending activities, providing agreement liquidity, community activities, or participating in marketing/airdrop activities.

A portion of the operating profits of the agreement will be allocated to the governance Treasury, and the DAO will determine the use of the proceeds.

In addition, some of the income will be used for security modules.

The specific application plan of ZTK is as follows:

Using USD and USG to cast ZK computing power NFT NFT will map the actual computing power to the global ZK network, ensuring that their actual value is related to the computing power they represent, and users who hold these NFTS can not only participate in mining ZTK for rewards, but also can trade NFT in the market.

ZTK liquidity mining and lending market mining: Users can deposit the ZTK they have mined into the liquidity pool, thereby obtaining additional incentive lending: Users are allowed to borrow or lend their ZTK, thereby earning interest.

The NFT Mortgage lending platform allows users to use their ZK computing power NFT as collateral to obtain USD or USG loans.

Strategic Cooperation and ecological expansion Cooperate with other mainstream DeFi projects and platforms to introduce ZTK to a wider market, find partners related to the global Layer2 network, and jointly promote and expand the application of Layer2 technology.

The construction of a complete meta-universe ecosystem allows users to trade, interact and entertain in the virtual world, create and purchase virtual assets (goods, land, artwork, etc.).

TOKEN allocation

The issuance of ZeFi Finance Platform Tokens (ZTK), with a total of 1 billion issued, helps to build a comprehensive ecosystem that provides incentives for participants, supports the long-term development of the platform, and involves community members in decision-making through a governance model.

Ecological application

Multi chain lending

ZeFi Finance's multi-chain lending ecosystem scenario allows users to perform mortgage and lending operations on different blockchains. This provides users with greater flexibility and diversity to meet their asset needs on different blockchains. Users can easily circulate their assets between different chains, enabling seamless interoperability. By pledging NT $ZTK as collateral, the mutual transfer of assets is carried out, and the amount of ZTK pledged can be determined according to the needs and risk preferences of users.

Multi-chain support:

The ZeFi Finance platform supports multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polkadot, and others. Users can borrow and lend operations on different blockchains according to their needs.

Lending options:

Users can choose different digital assets to borrow, such as USD, USG, etc., to meet their needs. This allows users to easily mortgage their assets and acquire the digital assets they need on multiple blockchains without the hassle of conversion or transfer operations.

Low risk and low cost:

Since the pledge is ZTK tokens within the platform, this type of multi-chain lending usually has lower risk and cost. External market fluctuations have less impact on the collateral and can also avoid high network transaction fees.

Fast and convenient:

ZeFi Finance platform multi-chain lending enables users to obtain the digital assets they need more quickly, without waiting for the approval process of traditional financial institutions. This rapidity provides more opportunities for volatility in the crypto market.

Custom Risk management:

Users can customize their lending strategies based on their risk appetite. They can choose different mortgage rates, borrowing rates and borrowing terms to meet their individual needs.

Mortgage mining

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem includes a synthetic asset trading platform through which users can trade a variety of synthetic assets, from stocks to commodities. This increases the diversity of the ecosystem and enables users to participate in a variety of different types of financial markets. ZTK as collateral for trading, users can use ZTK as collateral to trade in synthetic asset trading. This means they can use ZTK to gain the right to borrow other synthetic assets. This allows users to participate in more markets without having to buy synthetic assets directly.

Mining Rewards:

Once the user completes the pledge of ZTK, they will start earning mining rewards. These rewards are typically paid to users in the form of ZTK in return for their contribution to the ecosystem.

Bonus calculation:

The calculation of the reward is usually based on the number of ZTK pledged by the user and the length of time pledged. More pledges and longer pledges generally yield higher rewards. This mechanism encourages users to hold and support ZeFi Finance's ecosystem for the long term.

Automated process:

This is an automated process that requires no complex operation or management by the user. Once the user completes the pledge of ZTK, they will begin to receive ongoing mining rewards without continuous intervention.


Users are generally free to withdraw or trade the ZTK rewards they have earned to suit their needs. This gives them more liquidity and choice.

Trading on the ZTK market:

The ZeFi Finance platform can provide specific trading marketplaces that allow users to trade ZTK against other synthetic assets. This opens up more trading opportunities for users, who can exchange and trade synthetic assets in these markets, rather than just relying on traditional cryptocurrency markets.

ZTK Rewards:

Users can also earn ZTK rewards by participating in synthetic asset trading. By receiving additional platform tokens based on their performance on the exchange market, we encourage users to actively participate and contribute to the ecosystem.

Liquidity providers:

Users can also become liquidity providers, earning rewards by providing liquidity for ZTK and other synthetic assets. Provide rewards to users while increasing the mobility of the platform.

Strategic trading and automated clearing

Strategic trading and automatic clearing

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem also offers strategic trading and automated clearing services that enable users to better manage their asset portfolios. This helps reduce risk, improve the performance of assets, and provides more financial tools to meet the needs of users.

Strategic Trading:

Automatic trade execution: ZeFi Finance platform adopts advanced strategic trading algorithm, which can automatically execute users' trading orders. This means that users can set up their trading strategies on the platform, which are then automatically executed by the system without manual intervention.

Multi-chain support: The platform supports asset transactions on multiple blockchain networks. Users can use different digital assets for strategic trading, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polkadot, and others. This increases user diversity and choice.

Risk management: Strategic trading algorithms also include risk management functions, which help users reduce risks in trading. Users can set stop loss, stop profit and other risk management parameters to ensure the safety of their assets.

Automatic clearing:

Mortgage loan liquidation: If the mortgage rate of the user's mortgage loan is below a specific threshold, the platform will automatically perform liquidation. This means that if market price fluctuations cause the value of the user's collateral to decline, the system will sell part of the collateral to pay off the debt in order to protect the stability of the system.

Liquidation of liquidity providers: For liquidity providers, if they face huge losses in providing liquidity, the system can also automatically carry out liquidation. This helps prevent users from abusing the system or taking it into an unstable state.

Transparency: The automatic clearing process is transparent, and users can view the clearing events and parameters at any time. This provides additional security, and users can use the platform with confidence.

Financial leverage tools

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem also includes financial leverage tools that enable users to scale up their assets for higher returns. This provides more investment opportunities, but also brings greater risks, so users need to be cautious.

Borrowings and leveraged transactions:

ZeFi Finance allows users to borrow against their crypto assets to increase their investment positions. Users can select loan amounts, collateral and leverage multiples to customize their strategy based on their risk appetite and investment goals.

Multi-chain support:

The platform supports leveraged transactions on multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polkadot, and others. This gives users more options and enables them to take advantage of market opportunities on different blockchains.

Risk Management:

ZeFi Finance offers a variety of risk management tools to help users reduce potential losses. This includes stop loss, stop profit and automatic liquidation Settings, which users can set according to their needs.

High mobility:

Users can enter and exit their leveraged positions at any time without waiting for the market to open. This provides a high degree of liquidity and enables users to manage their transactions flexibly.


The leveraged trading process is transparent and users can view their borrowings, collateral and transactions at any time. This helps users get a complete picture of the status of their leveraged positions.

Revenue potential:

With leveraged trading, users can amplify their profits when market prices fluctuate. However, they must also be aware that leverage also increases the potential for losses, so risk management is crucial.

Metaverse Scene

As part of the meta-universe, ZeFi Finance has created a whole new ecosystem in the virtual world. This ecosystem allows users to transact, interact and entertain in virtual worlds, as well as create and purchase virtual assets. Users can buy goods, land, art and more in the virtual world.

Virtual Land Trading:

In ZeFi Finance's meta-universe, users can use ZTK tokens to buy virtual land. The land could be used to build virtual stores, social Spaces, art galleries and more. Both the purchase of land and the activities on the land consume ZTK tokens, providing the user with an interest in the virtual land.

Virtual Goods Purchase:

ZTK tokens can also be used to purchase virtual goods such as digital art, virtual clothing, and accessories. Users can display, trade, and use these goods within the meta-universe, and these transactions also consume ZTK tokens.

Social interaction:

Within the meta-universe, users can participate in various social events and virtual gatherings. These interactions usually require the payment of a ticket or participation fee, which is usually paid in ZTK tokens.

Meta Universe Financial Services:

Users can use ZTK tokens to conduct financial transactions in the meta-universe, such as borrowing, investing, and managing money. These financial services provide users with more financial opportunities.

Rights in the virtual world:

Users who hold ZTK tokens can gain special rights within the metacome, such as voting rights, social identities, ownership of virtual assets, and more. These interests may also require payment of ZTK tokens.

In-game shopping:

Virtual games in the metacomes often involve in-game shopping, where users can use ZTK tokens to purchase in-game items, skills, or items.

Landmark Activities:

There are usually various landmark events in the meta-universe, and users can use ZTK tokens to purchase tickets or participate in these events.

Ecological resources

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem works with other mainstream DeFi projects and platforms to extend their reach and usability. We are also actively seeking partners associated with the global ZK network to jointly drive the application of ZK technology to thrive in the future.

Taiwan dollar ZTK:

The foundation of ZeFi Finance's ecosystem is its Taiwan dollar ZTK. ZTK tokens have a variety of uses, including governance, rewards, collateral, payment fees, and more. It represents the user's participation rights on the platform and allows users to participate in the decision-making and development of the platform.

pledge mining:

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem encourages active user participation through pledge mining. Users can pledge ZTK tokens in exchange for rewards, which helps increase the liquidity of the platform and encourages users to hold ZTK for the long term.

Mortgage lending:

Mortgage lending services in the ecosystem allow users to use their crypto assets as collateral to borrow or lend money. This provides users with more financial options, while also increasing the liquidity of the platform.

Synthetic assets:

ZeFi Finance's ecosystem also includes synthetic asset trading, allowing users to participate ina variety of markets, from stocks and gold to crypto assets, offering more diversified investment opportunities.

Ecological partners:

ZeFi Finance actively collaborates with other major DeFi projects and platforms to jointly promote and develop the application of zk technology. This helps expand the reach of the ecosystem and bring in more users and partners.

Expansion of ecosystem:

Over time, ZeFi Finance plans to continue to expand its ecosystem, introducing more features and services. This includes more cross-chain support, more lending assets, more synthetic assets, etc.

Community participation:

A key component of an ecosystem is its community. ZeFi Finance encourages users to actively participate in community building, promote the development of the platform, share profits and participate in decision-making.

Development Vision

Planning and development

ZeFi Finance continues to evolve and mature, and will introduce a range of exciting new features and gameplay in the future to meet the changing needs of users and expand the platform's ecosystem.

Liquidity mining and lending market

To improve the liquidity and market performance of ZTK, ZeFi Finance will introduce a liquidity mining mechanism. Users will be able to deposit their mined ZTK into a liquidity pool for additional rewards. In addition, the platform will also launch a ZTK lending marketplace, allowing users to borrow or lend their ZTK and earn interest as a result. This will provide more revenue opportunities while also helping to strengthen the ZTK ecosystem.

Development Route

Q4, 2023

Security audit: Ensure the security of the platform's smart contracts and user data.

Website launch: The official website of ZeFi is officially released for users to register and visit.

Compliance Preparation: Ensure that the platform complies with financial regulations and compliance standards.

Test phase: internal test of product version 1.0.

2024 Q1/Q2

Release of Product 1.0: Release of product 1.0 version, including full collateral lending function.

Technology Improvement: Continuously improve the technical foundation of the platform to ensure high performance, low latency and scalability.

User growth: Focus on increasing the user base and attract more users through marketing and recommendation programs.

Partner expansion: Establish strategic partners to enhance the ecosystem of the platform and expand new markets.

Taiwan Dollar listing: ZTK token online CEX/DEX.

Q3/Q4, 2024

Product 2.0: Release product 2.0, introducing the metaverse function.

Brand promotion: Global search for brand promotion ambassadors to increase awareness in the field of crypto finance.

Technology update: Continuous improvement of technology to provide more functions and better user experience.

Q2 2025

Product 3.0: Introducing more innovative features and services from AI and RWA to meet the growing needs of users.

Ecosystem expansion: Find more partners, developers and users to drive the development of the platform.

User experience optimization: Continuously improve the user interface and user experience to make it the preferred DeFi platform for users.


The core Technology and finance team previously worked at google, apple, Goldman Sachs, UBS,The Asian market is dominated by Japan, South Korea and Vietnam, and the European and American markets are dominated by Poland. CMO SYLWIA ANNA is mainly responsible for the European and American markets and some online marketing activities

Last updated